What is the Most Common Cause of a House Fire - Fire Damage Repair

Fire damage presents itself to homes quite frequently, and they can be a scary thing to deal with. More than 300,000 homes throughout the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Association, suffer from fire damage annually. Fire restoration companies like Paul Davis have completed many fire clean up services because of this data. It's necessary to understand the most common ways a house fire is caused, because any possibility for fire shouldn't be ignored. We've assembled a list of the most common fire threats so that you can prevent a fire from happening in your home.

Neglecting Food on the Stove

Making meals in the home is one of the main culprits to house fires, especially when no one is there to monitor the kitchen. A lot of properties have been in need of fire remediation services because of food being left on the stove with no one to keep an eye on it. If you're required to leave the kitchen for any reason, make sure someone else is there to monitor the cooking.

Electrical Devices

Any appliances that use electricity can pose as a fire risk. If any of your electrical appliances have a bad cord, then they are a fire hazard. Also, what you need to be cautious about is your outlets. Don't overload them.

Forgotten Candles

One of the more satisfying items to place around the house are candles. Despite the fact they make for great decorations, they are also a severe fire hazard. Keep your candles away from possible fire hazards such as books, papers and curtains, and always blow them out when you leave the room.

Cigarettes Inside

When it comes to fire hazards, cigarettes are dangerous on account of they can drop on the ground and burn for a long period of time. Departing from your residence to smoke is the best idea to bypass this risk.

Bad Wiring

Homes with defective wiring produce electrical problems which can lead to a house fire. Bad wiring is troublesome because you can't always see it, but here are some things to watch out for:

  • Your lights dim when another appliance is in use
  • You have to disconnect something in order for an appliance to work
  • Your circuit trips frequently

If this is your dilemma, fix the issue and get an electrician or contact your landlord.

BBQs & Grills

Having a grill may be an essential part of your house, and they're an excellent thing to have throughout the summer months. Nevertheless, check that it's not in proximity to your home or any plants and trees. Maintaining your barbecue is also important because the buildup in it can be a fire hazard. Additionally, you should inspect the gas bottle regularly for leaks or other potential issues.


Fire is alluring for a child's curiosity, and that's why you need to take preventative measures. Hide all matches and lighters in the house to secure the safety of your children. You can also educate them what to do in the incident of a fire and to memorize their address in the event they need to call 911.

Placing Flammable Contents

Before storing your liquids, examine the label to make sure the substance isn't flammable, otherwise don't store them next to a heat source.

Christmas Tree

Christmas trees deliver holiday cheer into the house, but they are also a big fire hazard. If you like having a live tree, you should cut off an inch from the trunk so the tree is able to absorb water. Watering your tree consistently and keeping it hydrated is also an important step. Before turning in for the night, check to see that your Christmas lights are turned off too. You could favor buying an artificial tree to avoid a fire hazard.

Clothing Dryers

Fires produced from dryers are quite frequent, and that's why it's critical to keep them clean. To prevent your house from needing fire restoration services, always clean out the lint trap before using it again, and examine the dryer duct periodically because lint can get trapped in there as well.

Fire Damage Prevention to Your Residence

It's impossible to get rid of all possible risks for fire, but understanding the most common causes of house fires can eradicate your risk significantly. If you have encountered any fire damage to your residence, don't hesitate to call an expert that offers fire restoration services, like Paul Davis. We are fire restoration contractors that can get your house restored back to its previous state.